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   2024-04-29 339状态
展会日期 2024-11-14 至 2024-11-16
展出城市 北京
展出地址 北京市亦庄新城核心区
展馆名称 北京亦创国际会展中心
主办单位 中国国际工程咨询协会
承办单位 寰亚(北京)国际会展有限公司





1、国内EPC工程总承包市场背景 国内EPC市场快速增长,数据显示,2017年我国工程总承包市场规模为34258.30亿元,到2021年达到60303.20亿元。近五年复合增长率为12%。

2、国际EPC工程总承包市场背景 以央企为背景的对外承包工程项目、一带一路重点建设项目的设备物资采购需求。

2022年全年对外承包工程完成营业额10425亿元,比上年增长4.3%,折1550亿美元,与上年基本持平。 2023年1-11月,我国对外承包工程业务完成营业额9552.2亿元人民币,同比增长6.9%(折合1356.6亿美元, 同比增长1.7%),新签合同额12513.8亿元人民币,同比下降4.5%(折合1777.2亿美元, 同比下降9.2%)。




面向全国64673家拥有总承包建筑业务的企业邀约,利用大数据信息发送邮件、短信、定向投放广告的方式邀约观展; 通过各国驻华使领馆、外商驻华商会、驻华机构邀请外商、贸易商前来观展、洽谈; 电话邀约展会往届注册观众、新增注册观众前来观展



(1)全年3场精准对接会-十九届采购峰会(华北站、华西站、华南站) (2)EPC总包沙龙 (3)供应商考察 (4)获得中国国际工程咨询协会物采分会官网(工采网)VIP权益1年 *根据展商参展规模获取相应展期服务权益


(1)500VIP观展企业-特邀EPC总包商观展对接 (2)第十九届中国国际工程采购联盟供需合作高峰论坛 (3)第八届对外承包工程国别市场报告会暨“一带一路”项目对接交流会 (4)中国国际工程采购联盟认定供应商大会; (5)中国国际工程咨询协会采购专家委员会年会; (6)EPC工程奖颁奖仪式; (7)国际工程建设供应链创新应用成果大赛(筹)


(1)提供展后EPC总包方参展意向反馈服务,为展商提供客户追踪提供参考和帮助; (2)帮助展商沟通协调展会重点客户的展后拜访工作,提供全年不间断的EPC对接服务。 (3)展商获取服务方式:根据参展规模获取相应展后服务资格


1、EPC工程总承包、设计咨询、专业分包、建筑数字化 / EPC project general contracting, design consulting, professional subcontracting, construction digitization 工程建设单位/Engineering construction unit 建筑设计与咨询/Architectural design and consultation 建筑信息化:BIM软件、信息化新技术、高清晰度测量和定位技术、数字化协同和移 动技术、物联网和高级分析技术、新型设计和施工技术等建筑信息化产品 / Building informatization: BIM software, new information technology, high-definition measurement and positioning technology, digital collaboration and mobile technology, Internet of things and advanced analysis technology, new design and construction technology and other building information products

2、建筑材料与装饰材料 / Building materials and decoration materials 石材/Stone 建筑陶瓷卫生洁具/Architectural ceramic sanitary ware 建筑玻璃/Architectural glass 水泥及混凝土/Cement and concrete 砂浆/Mortar 墙体屋面材料/Wall and roof materials 金属材料/metallic materials 木材/Wood 合成高分子建筑材料/Synthetic polymer building materials 气硬性胶凝材料/Pneumatic hard cementing material 防水材料/Waterproof material 绝热、吸声材料等/Adiabatic, sound absorbing material, etc

3、管材管件/Pipe fittings 原材料、管材及配件/ Raw materials, pipes and accessories 管道和石油专用管材/ Pipelines and special pipes for petroleum 型材和机械/ Profiles and Machinery 塑料管及复合管/ Plastic pipes and composite pipes

4、装配式建筑与集成房屋 / Prefabricated building and Integrated Housing 混凝土建筑 / Concrete building 钢结构建筑 / Steel structure building 木结构建筑 / Wood structure building 彩钢活动房、轻钢结构房屋、木屋/Caigang mobile house, light steel structure houses, wooden houses 集成房屋等/Integrated housing, etc

5、电力能源 / Electric energy 新能源和可再生能源:风力发电,太阳能技术,能源消耗监控及服务,环境调研,动力及风动力装置,再循环系统(固体、液体、蒸汽),潮能等;/ New and renewable energy: wind power generation, solar energy technology, energy consumption monitoring and services, environmental research, power and wind power units, recirculation systems (solid, liquid, steam), tidal energy, etc. 电力设备:电站设备,变电设备和电力传输设备,高、低压电气开关,电力控制系统检测设备,电缆电线材料,发电机组设备;电缆控制设备,电容器等;/ Power equipment:power station equipment, substation equipment and power transmission equipment, high and low voltage electrical switches, power control system testing equipment, cable and wire materials, generator set equipment;Cable control equipment, capacitors, etc. 照明:室外灯具,建筑灯具,照明设备等;/ Lighting: outdoor lamps, architectural lamps, lighting equipment, etc. 水利设备和技术/ Water conservancy equipment and technology 核能:核工程、核电站及相关项目、技术及科研成果等/ Nuclear energy: nuclear engineering,nuclear power plants and related projects, technologies and scientific research achievements

6、交通工程技术与设施/Traffic Engineering Technology and Facilities 交通安全:交通信号系统;交通标志、护栏、照明设施;安全路障;反光材料、标线材料;划线机;紧急救援服务系统;清障车辆及特种车辆;汽车防盗装置等交通安全用品/ Traffic safety: traffic signal system; traffic signs, guardrails, lighting facilities; safety roadblocks;reflective materials, marking materials; marking machine; emergency rescue servicesystem; barrier clearing vehicles and special vehicles; vehicle anti-theft devices and other traffic safety supplies 交通管理及智能交通:交通监控及通讯系统;智能化交通管理系统;智能车辆管理系统;交通信息服务系统;车载导航、电子地图、GPS 接受系统; 车载通讯设备;高速公路通信、收费、监控系统;车辆检验、检测设备;酒精检测器;测速仪;报警系统/ Traffic Management and Intelligent Transportation: Traffic Monitoring and Communication System; Intelligent Traffic Management System; Intelligent Vehicle Management System;Traffic Information Service System; Vehicle Navigation, Electronic Map, GPS AcceptanceSystem; Vehicle Communication Equipment; Expressway Communication, Toll Collectionand Monitoring System; Vehicle Inspection and Detection Equipment; Alcohol Detector;Velocity Meter; Alarm System 停车设备及辅助设备:各种机械式停车设备;停车收费控制系统; 出入口管理及监控系统;车辆识别系统;自动栅栏、停车库显示及导引系统;各类指示灯等/ Parking equipment andauxiliary equipment: all kinds of mechanical parking equipment; parking fee control system; entrance and exit management and monitoring system; vehicle identification system; automatic fence, parking garage display and guidance system; various indicators, etc. 交通基础设施建设及各种测绘仪器/ Construction of Transportation Infrastructure and Various Surveying and Mapping Instruments

7、模板及脚手架 / Formwork & Scaffolding 建筑模板 / Formwork System for Building 爬升模板 / Climbing Formwork 滑升模板 / Slippery Formwork 模板配件 / Formwork Accessories 脚手架系统 / Scaffolding System 爬架系统 / Climbing System 预制构件支撑体系 / Precast Shoring System 支撑柱 / Shoring 安装工具 / Installation Tools

8、电梯/Elevator 电梯、扶梯、自动人行道及相关设备/ Elevators, escalators, automatic sidewalks and related equipment 电梯相关部件/ Elevator related components 停车设备及相关装备/ Parking equipment and related equipment

9、工程物流/Engineering Logistics 国际工程物流、大件运输等服务/International engineering logistics, bulk transportationand other services

10、工程施工机械设备 / Construction machinery and equipment 工程车辆及配件、泵、发电机、混凝土机械/Construction vehicles and accessories,pumps, generators, concrete machinery 其他施工机械设备 / Other construction machinery and equipment 11、综合/Comprehensive 各类建筑钢材、水泥、玻璃制品/ All kinds of construction steel, cement, glass products五金工具和五金配件/ Hardware tools and hardware accessories 标准紧固件/ Standard fastener 水暖器材/ Plumbing equipment 消防器材/ Fire equipment 建筑施工安全防护用品/ Safety protection articles for building construction 安全环保设施/Safe and environmentally friendly facilities 材料试验机、测量仪器、成分分析仪器/Material testing machine, measuring instrument,component analysis instrument 焊机及焊接材料/Welding machine and welding materials 化工品、涂料、爆破器材/Chemicals, paints, blasting equipment 办公用品,其他工程物资及设备/Office supplies, other engineering materials andequipment




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